Sunday, September 30, 2012

Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Management In Engineering Practice

Health, Safety and Environmental management should be part of the engineering profession in a country for the purpose of
o duty of care
o economic reasons and
o legal reasons.

HSE management should therefore consider five broad phases:
* Specifications
* Design and implementation
* Installation and commissioning
* Operation and maintenance
* Changes after commissioning.
* Compliance with the standards requires four essential elements:
* Identification of safety functions required for the safe shutdown
* Assignment of a safety integrity level (SIL) for each safety function
* Use of the safety lifecycle for the engineering design and
* Verification of the SIL achieved for each safety function.

Engineer Job

The engineering code of practice takes into consideration the following:
* Public safety: Giving priority to the safety and well-being of the community and having regard to this principle in assessing obligations to the clients, employers and colleagues.
* Risk Management: Taking reasonable steps to minimize the risk of loss of lives, injuries or suffering.
* Workplace and construction site: Minimizing potential dangers involved in the construction and manufacture of engineering products and processes.
* Public/Community well-being
* Communication
* Conflicts of interest
* Confidentiality

Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Management In Engineering Practice

The privilege of practicing engineering is entrusted to those qualified and who have the responsibility for applying engineering skills, scientific knowledge and ingenuity for the advancement of human welfare and quality of life. Fundamental principles of conduct of engineers include truth, honesty and trustworthiness in their service to the society, honourable and ethical practice showing fairness, courtesy and good faith towards clients, colleagues and others. Engineers take societal, cultural, economic, environmental and safety aspects into consideration and strive for the efficient use of the world's resources to meet long term human needs.

Safety is a concern in virtually all engineering design processes. Engineers should understand safety in the context of engineering design and what it means to say that a design is safe against human injuries.

Current design methods prioritize economic considerations over environmental ones. In some cases, economic considerations also serve environmental goals. For instance, the minimization of materials used in a structure means resources are saved. If they are saved at the expense of the length of the operating life of a product, then, economic considerations conflict with environmental interests which demand that products be made as durable as possible because of the need to minimize resource usage and waste generation in the long term.

Safety is the antonym of risk. So, a design is safe to the extent that it reduces risk. Safe design aims at minimizing risk in the standard sense of this term.

A safe design is the combination of all those procedures and principles that are used by engineers to make designed objects safe against accidents leading to human death or injuries, long term health effects, damage to the environment or malfunctioning in general.

Several design strategies used to achieve safety in operations of potentially dangerous technology are:
* inherently safe design
* safety factors
* negative feedback (self-shutdown) and
* multiple independent safety barriers.

Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is the most common method of assessing safety but safe designs are used to reduce risks in the standard (probabilistic) sense but is inadequate. Safe design strategies are used to reduce estimated probabilities of injuries or reducing uncertainties not only risks. They are used to cope with hazards and eventualities that cannot be assigned meaningful probabilities.

There are four (4) main design principles in Engineering practice.

(a) Inherently safe design:
This minimizes the inherent dangers in the process as far as possible. Potential hazards are excluded rather than enclosed or coped with. For instance, dangerous substances are replaced by less dangerous ones and fire proof materials are used rather than inflammable ones.

(b) Safety Factors
Construction should be strong enough to resist load and disturbances exceeding those that are intended. A common way to obtain such safety reserves is to employ explicitly chosen numerical safety factors are employed. If a safety factor of two (2) is employed when building a bridge, then the bridge is calculated to resist twice the maximal load to which it will be exposed to in practice.

(c) Negative feedback mechanisms
This is introduced to achieve a self-shutdown in case of device failure or when the operator looses control. Examples are safety valves that let out steam when the pressure is too high in a steam boiler and the dead man's hole that stops the train when the driver falls asleep. One of the most important safety measures in the nuclear industry is to ensure that reactors close down automatically in critical situations.

(d) Multiple Independent Safety Barriers
Safety barriers are arranged in chains, so that each barrier is independent of its predecessors (if the first fails, the second is still intact). The first barriers prevent accidents; the second barriers limit the consequences of an accident and rescue services as the last resort.

Safety factors and multiple safety barriers deal with uncertainties as well as risks. But currently, Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) is used but does not deal with uncertainties. Probabilistic calculations can support but will not supplant the Engineers' ethically responsible judgment (environment, health and safety culture).

Safety engineering principles also include education of operators, maintenance of equipment and installations and incidence reporting are examples of safety practices of general importance.

The Engineering profession is expected to be the harbinger of Health, Safety & Environmental management by virtue of the complexity of the output of the profession and their impacts on the lives of the general populace. How have we carried this along in our professional practices?

Seven (7) bad engineering practices have been identified:
* Believing that if something is not specifically stated, either "shall do" or "shall not do" in the standards, an engineer does not need to worry about it.
* Thinking that meeting the minimum requirements means the process is safe and complies with the standard.
* Ignoring the importance of good engineering practice.
* Designing systems that meet economic requirements but not safety protection requirements.
* Neglecting human factors (errors in calculations etc)
* Focusing on capital cost and not on lifecycle costs.
* Focusing only on the safety integrity level (SIL) and not on prevention.

Safety is an essential ethical requirement in engineering practice. Strategies for safe design are used not only to reduce estimated probabilities of injuries but also to cope with hazards and eventualities that cannot be assigned meaningful probabilities. Designers have an ethical responsibility to make constructions that are safe for future use. Safety is concerned with avoiding certain classes of events that are morally right to avoid.

In engineering design, safety consideration always includes safety against unintended human death or injuries that occur as a result of the unintended use of the designed object for:
* Prevention of damage to the environment
* Prevention of long term health effects

For example, if a bridge collapses, the engineers who designed it are held responsible.

Building designers and builders must obey construction safety in the use of Scaffolds, tool nets, tool boxes, mechanical lifts and manual lifts under safe procedures, use of personal protective equipments (PPEs) on sites (boots/helmets), clear passages and road-ways, construction tapes to cordon off work areas etc. Most engineers have neglected this aspect, thus, playing with the lives of the generality of the populace.

What engineers do have lasting influences on safety and define our level of Environment, Health and Safety culture.

Ethical obligations are necessary in order for engineers to carry out their profession. Without the obligation of confidentiality, clients could not trust engineers with commercially sensitive information. Without these information, engineers could not do their jobs. The moral obligations of our profession can be understood as duties which are necessary.

There are five (5) fundamental values necessary for the ethical obligations:
* Protection of lives and safeguarding of people.
* Professionalism, integrity and competence
* Commitment to community/public well-being
* Sustainable management and care for the environment
* Sustaining engineering knowledge

* Engineers shall hold paramount the Health, Safety and Environment/welfare of the public in the practice of their profession.
* Engineers shall practice only in their areas or field of competence, in a careful and diligent manner and in conformance with standards, laws, codes, rules and regulations applicable to engineering practice.
* Engineers shall examine the societal and environmental impact of their actions and projects, including the use and conservation of resources and energy in order to make informed recommendations and decisions..
* Engineers should declare their interests clearly.
* Engineers shall sign and take responsibility for all engineering works which they prepared or directly supervised. Engineers may sign works prepared by others only with their consent and after sufficient review and verification.
* Engineers shall act as faithful agents for their employers or clients and maintain confidentiality, avoid conflicts of interest whenever possible and disclose unavoidable conflicts.
* Engineers professional concerns must be made known to the client and the consequences of engineering decisions or judgments.
* Engineers should reject any public works, engineering decisions or practice that endanger the HSE of the public.
* Engineers shall commit to life-long learning, strive to advance the body of engineering knowledge and should encourage other engineers to do likewise.
* Engineers shall promote responsibility, commitment and ethics both in the education and practice phases of engineering. They should enhance society's awareness of engineer's responsibilities to the public and encourage the communication of these principles of ethical conduct among engineers.

This is about the long term survival of humanity. It recognizes that decisions made today must enable both those in the present as well as people of the foreseeable future to make effective choices about their quality of life.

Failure to identify risks to safety and the inability to address or control these risks can result in massive costs, both human and economic. The multidisciplinary nature of safety engineering means that a very broad array of professionals are actively involved in accident prevention or safety engineering.

A critical fault endangers or few people. A catastrophic fault endangers, harms or kills a significant number of people. Engineer's errors or inability to incorporate the HSE management in his practice spells catastrophic.

Everyone must strengthen his or her understanding of HSE awareness by making safety a priority. Also, cost effective solutions in order to gain the biggest return on investment should be developed.

Engineers take early design of a system, analyze it to find what faults can occur and then propose safety requirements in design specifications upfront and changes to existing systems to make the system safer.

If significant safety problems are discovered late in the design process, correcting them can e very expensive. This type of error has the potential to waste large sums of money.

* At all times, take all reasonable care to ensure that your work and the consequences of your work cause no unacceptable risk to safety.
* Take all reasonable steps to make your management/client and those to whom they have a duty of care aware of the risks you identify.
* Make anyone overruling or neglecting your professional advice formally aware of the consequent risks.
* It is critical for engineers to maintain a deep and broad understanding of the many technical and professional practice issues that they will inevitably encounter in their role as employees of public owners. This is achieved through appropriate education, training, experience, license, professional engineering practice and continuing professional development.

The engineering practice like the construction industry is the agent of social and economic development, the barometer of economic activities and a very large employer of labour in Nigeria. It accounts for over 60% of the total capital investment. It is the largest employer of labour (think of all the electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical and computer jobs in industries).

Health, Safety and environment, which is concerned with life and property must be taken serious in this profession. Safety procedures are necessary to prevent accidents, diseases and harmful effects on the health of the public at large arising from the activities in the industry on site and its environs or off site.

Good HSE management is visible in a country through the quality of the professional ethics of the professionals, engineers inclusive and the level of her health values and the state of her environment, that is, her level of cleanliness (personal hygiene and public sanitation).

It can only be developed through personal commitment, willingness and self-sacrifice because of the long and short run benefits therein. HSE management habit starts with safety consciousness. Safety consciousness dwells with each and every one of us and should be taken along to our professional practices.

People should recognize that their health and well-being are related to the quality of their environment and should apply thoughtful principles to attempt to improve the quality of their environment.

As Engineers, we should lead others in being safety conscious at all times and refraining from doing anything that may result to accident. We should apply safety measures to all our daily activities and take our safety and that of others around us as our responsibilities especially in our practices.

Finally, as Engineers we should pursue sustainable Health, Safety & environmental management and make it part and parcel of our engineering practice today for the continued relevance of our profession tomorrow. It is only when this is done that our professional ethics will be meaningful knowing fully well that the products of our professional practices have great impact on the lives of the entire citizens of this country.

Health, Safety & Environmental management habit is therefore not only necessary and but remains a vital ingredient of our professional ethics in engineering practice in Nigeria and elsewhere and this must be sustained always by all.

Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Management In Engineering Practice 'Gangnam Style' Mom and Son! Video Clips. Duration : 3.33 Mins.
Rating: 4.9311438

Their web video was all over YouTube and they're here to perform their Gangnam Style duet! This mom-and-son dance team are too cute to miss. Watch their original video here:


Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Working Strategies of Search Engines

In recent years the internet got the popularity among peoples all over the world. All these peoples queries are not also the same. To serve their query lots of web pages are also created with information with widely dispersed topics. But how do the people find the pages which are they looking for? It is almost impossible to find accurate page which you want from billions of web pages manually. To solve this problem search engines appeared. You can get the accurate thing you want by typing the keywords on the box of Google's page. You can get millions of pages on this topic but search engines give ranks among them and you will find the best sites on the first pages serially. How did Google create this serial?

Search engines works are divided into three major steps crawling, indexing and processing.

Engineer Job

In the first step, search engines use a special robot called spiders to create a list of words found in the web pages. This process is called crawling. Spiders crawl around the web to collect data. They enter every links found on a webpage. Crawling normally starts from most used server or a page which has a high popularity and visits all links found on the page.

The Working Strategies of Search Engines

All these collected data gathered on a huge database. But saving on a database is not indexing. There are few days required to index or update a saved page.

Then all these indexed pages are processed to give ranking for a particular search. This ranking is given upon by considering several parameters. These parameters include quality of content, keyword density, anchor text, titles and subtitles. Another important parameter is the quality of links coming to this site. If a link from highly trusted sites, Google considers this site is appropriate for the top position. Google give 'pagerank' to all sites in a scale 0-10. They consider the higher pagerank site is most trusted. They also count the number of incoming links from other sites.

Search engines always try to cover all the sites but there are some limitations. So a site should be optimized for search engines. Thus the jobs of search engine spiders become easier.

This is the cause to do SEO works. Every site should be well optimized to get maximum exposure.

The Working Strategies of Search Engines Apple Store Drive In - Just Need An Expensive SUV Video Clips. Duration : 1.73 Mins.
Rating: 4.6286473

A Los Angeles man accused of crashing his SUV through an Apple storefront in Temecula in a brazen burglary last week pleaded not guilty Wednesday, Sept. 12, to multiple felonies.Equonne R. Howard, 22, is being held on 0000 bail, which is the estimated damage to the Apple Store, authorities said. He is charged with vandalism, burglary and theft of electronics in connection with the break-in, as well as burglary and theft of merchandise later in the day from a 7-Eleven, court records show.Wearing orange jail clothes and shackles while sitting in a courtroom at the Southwest Justice Center in French Valley, Howard appeared stunned when a lawyer from the Riverside County public defender's office showed him the two-page complaint listing the charges against him. Prosecutors also allege Howard, who was on parole, has a 2010 burglary conviction from Los Angeles County and a 2008 robbery conviction.Howard asked the defense attorney what evidence there is against him, adding that he believes there is none. "Wow," he said. "This is crazy." Riverside County sheriff's officials said Howard used his own 2003 BMW X5 to smash through the glass storefront and metal security gate about 5 am Sept. 6. Surveillance footage shows other men with their faces covered jumping out of the SUV and beginning to grab iPhones and iPads off display tables, sheriff's officials said.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Building A Weissenborn Guitar Tool List

Whilst building my guitar I did not have access to many advanced tools such as one would find in a professional machine shop or woodworker's den. I really had to sit down and make some serious decisions about what I would and would not use during the build. I reasoned that, far back in the mists of time ,that guitar builders would pretty much do everything by hand but then the real horror of that struck me. I quickly realised the secret was, if I could not do it on my boat, I would get other people to do it for me who had the tools and gear! Logical really! That really was the bottom line of how I would get things done with my available space and resources. Get the timber cut as near as dammit to size before you start. had I realised this simple thing I probably would have started on building a guitar a long time ago!

I built my guitar whilst living on my boat "The Nicky J Miller" in the North of Queensland. Naturally, I had a few simple power tools but nothing more than that. I did have access to a rusty old Triton Bench saw and was able to make use of that for cutting the braces but they could have easily been done with a hand saw!

Engineer Job

Optional desirable tools! Ones I didnt have!

Building A Weissenborn Guitar Tool List

Bandsaw, a planer, a router (I hate them and don't own one!)

( strangely enough, I didnt even use all of these tools either!)

· A rusty old Triton workbench (only for the braces)

· A small block plane

· A sharpening stone and some oil

· A set of chisels 6mm to 25mm

· A chisel and plane honing guide (an absolute must)

· A set of cheap saws consisting of a hand rip saw, a small keyhole saw, a retractable exacto type knife.

· A stainless steel scraper.

· Ten or twelve six inch clamps.

· Several small G clamps

· Three cam clamps

· A set of needle files

· A tenon saw

· A hobby type hacksaw

· A dovetail saw

· A coping saw

· A jeweller's tenon saw with a packet of 000 blades

· A flat smooth woodworkers file.

· Jewellers pincers small

· A small hammer

· A small jewellers vice

· A small red vice.

· A one metre straight edged engineer's rule (invaluable)

· A one foot steel rule (in inches)

· A foldaway builders steel tape (in inches and millimetres)

· Various sanding blocks (rubber and foam)

· A Bernz-o-matic plumber's gas torch with a regular nozzle

(I would recommend a larger nozzle)
· Several small assorted fine toothed saws

· Several packets of sandpaper ranging from some cheapo bargains in all grades to some really good expensive non clog stuff ranging from 80 grit to around 800grit....some wet and dry about 400 grit

· A packet of 000 fine wire wool

· A jar of orange shellac (flakes) and a litre of methylated spirits

· Several odd little clamps that were lying around the boat

· A large packet of super big elastic bands

· About twenty very large rubber bands made from an old car tyre

· A twenty-dollar cheap and cheerful folding workbench (a kit from Supercheaps!)

· A tapered reamer from Supercheaps

· A few half decent paint brushes and pots.


I had the usual electric tools that are usually found around a house or boat. These were as follows:

· An electric drill

· A jigsaw

· A variable speed rotary sander..this is a wonderful tool and I used it for nearly all sanding jobs.. the great beauty of this machine is the variable speed, you can pull it right down to about 75 rpm and it is very gentle to use.. Normal sanders are stupid and lethal and really should be banned! What on earth is the good of a machine that kicks in from nought to twenty thousand revs in a second or two...I hate them, they are only good for cutting roof tiles or steel even then they are still lethal!!

· A six inch rotary bench saw ( never used it!)

· A Bosch variable speed electric orbital sander and a lot of discs ranging from 120grit to 400grit ....( this tool was fantastic for sanding the braces, backs and soundboard)

· A Colt or Dremel mini variable speed rotary drill and kit... I bought a few accessory kits for this machine most of which I did not even use except the rotary sandpaper drums for sanding down the braces to a point! and honestly I just could not have built this guitar without this little wonder of a machine!...sadly, it burned out on the very last stages of the build but I will buy a Dremel next time or even a Ryobi!

These machines are the last word if you need to do any inlaying, but if you do, buy this book;

"The Art Of Inlay by Larry Robinson" is indispensable if you are even thinking about tackling any inlaying!

One obvious thing is, of course, Keep your tools, chisels and planers sharp! I have posted another article I have written called " How to keep your tools sharp using automotive wet'n'dry paper. You will find it very useful I'm sure!

I also have bought a honing guide and it's a great little machine too and you can still use the Automotive wet'n'dry to sharpen them too!


I'm going to say a few words about humidity. When I first said I would make my guitar on a boat, the immediate response was

" What about the humidity?" Well, firstly in Australia where I built the guitar in summer it is horribly humid and there is no way I would have attempted it then during the Summer or 'wet' as it is known.. However, I have lived on my boat for about seven years and own eight guitars. My boat is beautifully warm and dry and I have never had a problem with any of them at all. I do, however, keep them in their cases at most times. However, in the Winter, it's a different story, There are many days when the humidity is well below sixty percent and that's fine for glueing up the guitars. It's much the same as anyone who lives in a waterside house or apartment..... what do they do? I simple listen to the marine forecast or look at the weather on the computer and they can tell me whatever the humidity was just ten minutes ago! So really, I don't have a problem with dreaded Humidity folks!

All of this information and much more can be found in Terry's book that he wrote about the build called " How to build a weissenborn lap steel guitar" This can be found on terry's site as well as photos of the build, and even a sound clip of the finished guitar! This can be found at

Building A Weissenborn Guitar Tool List Surprise! Britney Learns 'Gangnam Style' from Psy! Video Clips. Duration : 2.92 Mins.
Rating: 4.7883725

Korean pop star and YouTube sensation Psy gave Britney Spears a surprise visit on the show, and taught her his famous horse dance!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Truth About English Grammar Writing Software Solutions!

English grammar writing software is an advanced technology that takes word processing one step ahead. For most of us, writing is one of the most important tools that enable us to achieve many of our personal, interpersonal, and business goals. Improving your English writing doesn't have to be tedious - read more in the following article.

English grammar writing software is an advanced technology that not only corrects your English writing for any errors, but helps you on improving your writing skills. Correcting your grammar writing isn't that easy, it requires advanced NLP technology (Natural Language Processing), huge databases, and smart analyzing engines. Several important aspects are common to most of these solutions and it includes the following: editing and proofreading, checking on spelling and typos, and most importantly analyzing our grammar writing.

Engineer Job

Let's examine some of the main advantages:

The Truth About English Grammar Writing Software Solutions!

- Enabling us to better express our thoughts and ideas.
- Helping us to better achieve our writing goals.
- Analyzing our sentence structure for correct punctuation, thus transforming our writing more comprehendible.

Looking closer on this technology, we could easily find other advantages that are not covered here, as this solution constantly changes, bringing us new ideas and additional solutions that help us on improving our Writing skills.

English grammar writing software technology can help us correct and polish most of our daily writing assignments - Emails, documents, job applications, and more. Can this technology provide better results than a human proofreader? Probably not, but it helps with common grammar and punctuation proofreading. Although it is already available, we can expect this solution to further develop itself, simply because writing is one of the most important tools that help us with many of our day-to-day assignments, whether at home, at school, or in the office.

The Truth About English Grammar Writing Software Solutions! David Guetta - She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) Trailer ft. Sia Tube. Duration : 0.58 Mins.
Rating: 4.8804846

Music video by David Guetta performing She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) Trailer. 2012 What A Music Ltd/ EMI Music France, under exclusive licence to EMI Music France


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4 Things You Have To Equip Yourself With To Get To The Next Level Of Internet Marketing

You've learned and mastered the basics of search engine optimization and your Internet marketing efforts for your fledgling business have improved. Is there something in store for you next? Of course there is. Internet marketing dynamics never stop changing so there's never a time you'll find yourself without something to learn. Being able to learn beyond the basics, however, require you to possess and develop certain skills.

4 Things You Have to Equip Yourself with to Get to the Next Level of Internet Marketing

Engineer Job

Ease and Adeptness in Using New Technology

4 Things You Have To Equip Yourself With To Get To The Next Level Of Internet Marketing

Internet is part of technology and it will continue to improve as people continue to invent ways to make communication, data processing, and the quality of life in general better. You should learn how to be at ease and adept in learning how to use new technology. In the past, the Internet possessed only static pages, but websites now possess a high degree of interactivity between website management and users. There are also virtual communities that offer an impressive array of activities for users to get involved with. If you're not prepared to go with the times and understand the latest inventions, you'll never be equipped for the next levels of Internet marketing.


Two brains work better than one. In relation to that, you should also remember that no man can be an island. In Internet marketing, going beyond the basics can never be fully achieved without the help of other people. You can say that you've bought all the books there are for Internet marketing, but it's still different when you learn directly from Internet marketing experts and you get to apply your knowledge in the real world under the guidance of people with more experience in the field than you have.

If you want to get your Internet marketing skills to the next level, you need to learn how to build and take care of your network. Networking require use of public relation skills and being able to work with other people in a group, learning how to compromise, when to stand up and when to back down, and relating to people who are remarkably different with the type of person you are. In this sense, Internet marketing is just like working in an office. At the start, your pencil-pushing job doesn't require much interaction with other people. But once you get in the line for promotion, you realize the need to mingle with others and build relationships with them.

Networking include but are not limited to activities like participating in workshops and seminars, joining forums and online groups, and working together with other Internet marketers in various projects.

If you're not ready to acknowledge the reality that there are other people in the Internet marketing industry besides you then you're not ready at all to step beyond the basics of your chosen field.

Taking Risks

Having a taste for adventure could help but isn't altogether necessary. You should, however, be willing to take risks and explore unusual alternatives. The basics of Internet marketing tend to have relatively simple demands on your skills. Most of the things you'll have to do are easy and routine. Once you graduate from the basic levels however, you'll realize that the Internet marketing activities demanded of you possess varying degrees of risk either to your profit ratio or your company name. But these risks are normal. Indeed, they're part and parcel of Internet marketing and unless you learn how to take smart risks, you might be doom to stay an Internet marketing novice for perpetuity.

Openness of Mind

In conjunction with the ability to take risks is being open to new alternatives. Internet marketing will almost always require you to think out of the box. Remember that the Internet caters to a very global community so placing the usual limits on your thoughts, such as geographical restrictions and cultural differences, would only be to your disadvantage.

What you should be most concerned of is what would work best for your target market. If the strategy you come up with isn't conventional but it's what you think your target market likes best then so be it.

Get these four to equip you in your journey and you're sure to make yourself an Internet marketing expert in no time!

4 Things You Have To Equip Yourself With To Get To The Next Level Of Internet Marketing One Direction - Live While We're Young Video Clips. Duration : 3.30 Mins.
Rating: 4.8252597

Order the new single 'Live While We're Young' now Pre-order TAKE ME HOME Now: iTunes: Amazon: Official Store: The new single 'Live While We're Young' released 30th September in the UK / 1St October US & Canada The new album 'Take Me Home' released 12th November in the UK / 13th November US & Canada Music video by One Direction performing Live While We're Young. (C) 2012 Simco Limited under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Top Secrets of the Success of Self Made Billionaires

Top secrets of self made billionaires:

Start a business with innovative ideas: Most of the self made billionaires started their small business with an innovative idea. Their innovative ideas helped them to beat competition and in luring major market share towards them, because the customers were able to enjoy additional benefits from these innovative ideas as compared to the products that were previously available in the market. Before the advent of Google search engine, stalwarts like Yahoo! and other major search engines were already successful and leading in the market. But, Google came up with a few innovative ideas like conducting searches based on the keyword and the websites popularity that helped people search for information in a much better way. These ideas were so well received and popular that Google went on to become the number one search engine.

Engineer Job

Do not fear competition: Rather than fearing competition, these people focused on coming up with ideas that would offer something better and additional to the user. They concentrated and focused on ways to improve their products or develop and generate something new and thereby, got many investors to invest in their business as the investors also could see a lot of scope and potential in their ideas that would help them to make millions. Perfect examples of those who made it happen are Bill Gates and Larry Elision. Bill Gates knew that there were various billion dollar industries such as IBM who had numerous software developing experts. But, he had confidence in himself and his idea and really made it happen. Similarly, Larry Elision came across a research paper that had been written by a certain IBM expert and, with his vision, converted the idea into a business opportunity, of which IBM itself was unaware of. Always try to develop a sound idea that will prove to be helpful to a business as well as to the customer.

Top Secrets of the Success of Self Made Billionaires

Learn to develop sound ideas: Most of these self made billionaires came up with sound ideas. With billions of people in the world, there are billions of ideas that are generated daily, out of which only a few are successful and reaped into billions. Along with a successful idea, you also need to master specialized knowledge because in order to develop something new you need to be aware of what is available and how you could improvise on it.

Compensate for your education:
There are many self made billionaires who are school or college drop outs, but as they aimed at becoming rich, they learned things by themselves through self education or sheer experience and honed their skills. Owing to their smart mentality, some of them could manage to convert others ideas into billions. People like Larry Elision and Bill Gates have proved this theory. Ideas along with innovations alone cannot bring you the riches till you merge certain business aspects with the innovative ideas. Here, business aspects mean that if you market your products or services by advertising and promote its benefits and usefulness to the customers it will increase the demand of your products and people will be ready to spend money on the products earning you profits. Remember, a buyer will purchase a product, only if it proves beneficial to him.

Develop creative and innovative skills: Such people developed their skills in order to innovate and generate sound ideas. These are the skills that make a big difference and separate the self made billionaires from ordinary people. These skills should be developed with regular exercises. You may start thinking of at least 10 improvements or innovative ideas on a daily basis as to how some additional benefits can be provided to the customers or businessman, and eventually some of the ideas can fetch you a fortune. You might think of improving the efficiency of a particular machine or may plan to improve the existing products. You may try to look for loopholes in the existing system and may plan as to how you could offer solutions for such problems. Assume that you are making use of the product and note down how it would help you if additional features would be developed.

Go for excellence and perfection: They believe in perfection and learn all about latest technologies and the trends in market and develop plans to produce something surpassing the international standards. Li-ka- Singh started out as a salesman working in a certain plastic factory. He had to drop out of school when his father died and he needed to support and help his family. His education was limited, but that did not suppress his unlimited desire to earn and to become rich. So, he made up his mind to make something of himself. He started working with the mentality of a boss and began to learn everything about products, quality, and purchase, sales and marketing. He first became a top salesman and then began reading various business magazines in order to learn more about the products that could be in big demand. Since there were numerous products that could be manufactured out of plastic, he tried to think up of many consumer products that could be sold based on quality and look of the product. He then settled on making exclusive artificial flowers. He mastered all the techniques regarding mixing of colors and making flowers look real, and also developed the techniques of making better flowers than his competitors. This person without any money or enough education started his own business and today is worth over billion. So, it is important that you believe in perfection and ultimately you will get rewarded for the same.

Think about superior products instead of planning about making more profits: They do not concentrate on reaping profits, but instead think of providing the best to the consumers or to solve their problems and believe in the fact that money will follow with such sincere efforts. You will anyway make money by providing good products and offering solutions. So the wealth you earn really only depends on what you have to give to the customers.

Start with a business that depends on innovative ideas: Majority of such people started with business that demanded creativity along with innovations. If at the beginning, you have a limited amount of capital, then you should enter the business with creativity as your strength and base or pick a business that requires innovation along with creative skills. Graff learned as how to mold and make jewelery and how to make it look better than the rest. He converted this skill of his into billions because of the fact that it is beauty and exclusiveness that a customer looks for and not at a billion dollar company. Similarly, Li-ka Shing started manufacturing artificial flowers and made them look as good as real and then went on to diversify to the field of real estate and today his worth is over billion. Larry Elision stepped into a knowledge based field and today he is worth over .5 billions whereas he started his business with only 00. So, never underestimate the power of your innovative ideas because for all you know, they could be worth billions.

Make innovations your permanent habit: Constantly finding innovative ideas became a habit for them so they could provide new and improved products to their customers. Today, with all the competition and rapidly changing technology, expectations of the people have also multiplied. Every now and then, they are looking for new and improved additional features. So, they prefer companies that produce products that go beyond their dreams or imagination and create fantasies that they may have only imagined in their dreams. The products such as I pod or I phones belong to this category of products that have created hysteria among everyone. With the invention of such products people lined up outside stores to purchase them as it was new and unique.

Never accept destiny: These are people who never make compromises when it comes to their destiny and if and when they fail, they make up another plan and try to know and improve on the reasons that led to their previous failure. Most people suffer from negative attitudes and mentality as they cannot overcome problems like lack of capital and education. They give in to the fact that they are meant to be working for others and are satisfied with whatever they receive in life. This is why they never manage to make any progress, because nature's law is that you reap what you sow. if you keep a positive attitude and a millionaire's mentality and try to find ways in which these problems can be solved, and then you can come up with positive ideas. Lika Shing was compelled to flee from China and began his career as a salesman in the city of Honk Kong in a certain plastic factory. In spite of the fact that he had very limited education and also limited capital, he was constantly thinking of ways to make millions and showed us that if you are determined enough, then there is absolutely no one who can stop you. Larry Elision had a similar story to tell.

He was adopted by his uncle and Larry soon dropped out of college to look for a job in order to survive. He soon became adept at computer programming and honed his skills through various jobs. He was always alert and looking out for opportunities and when an employee at IBM published a paper it gave Larry the opportunity to make billions and today he is worth well over .5 billion. Had these people blamed their destiny or life, they would have never made any progress.

Top Secrets of the Success of Self Made Billionaires One Direction - Live While We're Young Video Clips. Duration : 3.30 Mins.
Rating: 4.896617

Order the new single 'Live While We're Young' now Pre-order TAKE ME HOME Now: iTunes: Amazon: Official Store: Music video by One Direction performing Live While We're Young. (C) 2012 Simco Limited under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


Monday, September 17, 2012

Vietnam Vets - We Won't Let You Forget - Part 1

For those of you who have not read one of my “We won’t let you forget” articles, please let me explain why I write them each year just before Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day.

As we were approaching Veteran’s Day 1997, it occurred to me that I was beginning to forget just what this special holiday means to me (and to all of us). It was becoming just another day off for me, and when I realized that, I became a little sad. Here’s why it is so important to me and to many of my friends.

Engineer Job

I celebrated my 21st birthday in mid November of 1967 on an Air Force C-141 while flying into Anchorage Alaska on my way to Vietnam. It was an interesting day for me because we were heading west and the time kept ticking back one hour as we passed through a number of time zones on our way to Southeast Asia. I probably celebrated the longest 21st birthday of anyone that I knew. It lasted close to two days. My return trip 51 weeks later would be on Veterans Day, 1968. A lot would happen throughout my 21st. year. Obviously, I have never forgotten any of it.

Vietnam Vets - We Won't Let You Forget - Part 1

For this year’s ‘war story’ I want to take you back to March 18, 1968. All of us had already seen too much death, and there was much more to come. We were the tough young paratroopers of the 101st. Airborne Division, the mighty Screaming Eagles. We had some pretty tall boots to fill in living up to the reputation of our many former brothers in combat who served with the 101st. over the years. It would be costly, but we were up to the task.

One of the most visited pages on our corporate website is one that I placed there as a memorial to some friends who gave all for their friends and their country. When you have a minute, please visit and learn a little more about them. []

One friend that I mention on the page is a young Captain that took me under his wing when we first arrived in country. He was a sharp West Point graduate and it was comforting (I was still a second lieutenant) to have someone like him as a friend. We were a part of the advanced party and our job was to prepare for the arrival of the division main body. Once they did arrive, he was assigned to command an Infantry Company, and I was assigned to lead a Combat Engineer platoon in support of the battalion that his company was a part of. Our quiet time together as friends would become a luxury as we both became very busy with our new duties. Little did either of us know that less than 100 days later, he would play a major role in an incident for which he would be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The rest of my story for this year is about a group of men that every one of us who were in those jungles believe should have also gotten Congressional Medal’s of Honor. These were the helicopter pilots. The most fearless group of men that I have ever had the pleasure of serving with.

I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of relief when we heard the sound of those ‘choppers’ coming to our aid wherever and whenever we called out for help. Being a part of a recon team for about 4 months, I wound up spending a lot of time in just about every type of helicopter over there. (Except for the Cobras – that would have been a great experience.) I was always very happy to get back on the ground again, and many times wondered out loud how those guys worked up the courage to be in them every day. They were such easy targets, and there was no place to hide when you were in the air. If it weren’t for the incredible bravery of those pilots who flew the support and dust-off (medivac) missions of the night of March 18, 1968, there would have been many more names on our memorial web page. I don’t have any idea of how I can begin to thank them, but I can help us to never forget them.

One of those pilots who gave his all for his country is the father of a friend of mine. His name is Robert Moffett Dowling. His son and my friend Bob Dowling wrote a very detailed and touching remembrance of his dad. Reading about his dad’s heroic actions at such a young age should make every one of us proud of this American Hero. At the young age of 27, he was a helicopter pilot who gave his all trying to save some of his comrades in early 1966. As young as he was, he had already been serving his country voluntarily for eight years. During his time over the hostile sky’s in Vietnam, he had flown over 200 combat missions before he flew his last one on that fateful day. His life is such an incredible example of the fearless bravery that I believe symbolizes our American hero’s. We can never let ourselves forget him or our other fallen countrymen.

The behind the scenes story of Robert Moffett Dowling is also something that we cannot ever forget. His battle ended on January 12, 1966, but the grief and sense of loss suffered by his family will never end. He left behind a young wife and children who were 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old at the time. My friend Bob was the 5 year old and his only son. Bob has shared with me some of the few wonderful memories that he has of he and his dad being together. 5 is just about the age where we begin to establish our long term memories and thankfully, Bob was able to have a few great ones to help him remember his dad. Unfortunately, he also has to remember a funeral in early 1966. This is the price that our American hero’s (and their families) pay for this precious freedom that we all enjoy in this wonderful country. On this Memorial Day, let’s all promise to never forget our fallen hero’s and their families.

We won’t let you forget!

Jack Wiles

Band-of-Brothers Class of 67-68 101st. Airborne Division - Vietnam

Vietnam Vets - We Won't Let You Forget - Part 1 'Innocence of Muslims' Trailer [HD] - Egypt Protest Film Video Clips. Duration : 1.53 Mins.
Rating: 1.8681772

The movie, "Innocence of Muslims," that mocks and insults the Prophet Muhammad caused demonstrators to attack a US consulate in Libya, killing one American, and breached the walls of the US Embassy in Cairo. Angry protests over the film by a US producer, directed and produced by an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian who characterized it as a political effort to call attention to the hypocrisies of Islam. It has been promoted by Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose burning of Qurans previously sparked deadly riots around the world. In Benghazi, Libya, several dozen gunmen from an Islamist group, Ansar al Sharia, attacked the consulate with rocket-propelled grenades to protest the film, a deputy interior minister for the Benghazi region told the Al-Jazeera network. A government brigade evacuated the consulate, after which militants set it on fire, said the minister, Wanees Sharef. One State Department officer was killed in the attack in Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday night. Mrs. Clinton said the State Department was working with Libyans to secure the compound and protect Americans in Libya. To the east, in Cairo, a crowd of some 2000 people gathered at the Embassy to protest the video. Some of them climbed the embassy walls late Tuesday, pulling down and burning an American flag. Hours after nightfall, dozens of young men remained standing on top of the embassy walls, shouting into megaphones. One of the youths climbed up the flagpole to hoist a ...


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quantity Surveyor Job Description

A Quantity Surveyor (QS) works in the construction field, analyzing and assessing (surveying) the costs related to building construction and design. This is a mid-high level position, that requires a fair amount of education to obtain. The capacities that Quantity Surveyors operate in vary from employer to employer, and country to country. They can have very specialized or very general fields of expertise.

There are many duties that a Quantity Surveyor can have as part of their job. They usually work out in the field, and perform the following functions:

Engineer Job

cost/benefit analysis planning management cost planning change control cost estimation dispute resolutions control construction costs They generally work as part of a team, which consists of a contractor, the client, the architect and the engineer. Quantity Surveyors have a reputation for fairness and dispute resolutions. They know how much it costs for labor and materials. It is their job to understand the big picture of a construction project, and how any changes will affect the cost of the project.

Quantity Surveyor Job Description


The beginning salary, depending on the job, is anywhere from 25,000 USD - 38,000 USD per year. Between ,000 and ,000 is a typical senior salary. Those who are partners at privately owned companies stand to earn a significantly higher salary than others.

Benefits or being a Quantity Surveyor can include shift and site differentials, paid on top of their salary. They also commonly receive health care benefits. A pension and a company car are not unheard of, either.

Training and Education

Quantity Surveyors receive at least a Bachelor's degree in college, sometimes going on to graduate school. They must complete supervised working before they can be licensed. Also, they attend frequent meetings and trainings that keep them up to date in the field, after graduating. These may include private trainings, seminars, events, conferences, workshops and other programs. A great deal of learning is required for this specialized field, but opportunities abound.

Employment Opportunities

Opportunities for people trained in the field of quantity surveying exist ALL over the world. It is more common to see jobs available in the UK, South Africa and India, than it is to see them in the US, but the opportunities there are expanding rapidly.

There are three major types of employers for Quantity Surveyors. They are:

Private practices: a group of surveyors that go into business together and seek out contracts. Civil contractors and engineers: some have a specific surveying section of their business. This allows them to always have a QS on staff. Government agencies: employ Quantity Surveyors to work on local, state and federal building and engineering projects. Large international contractors will sometimes employ Quantity Surveyors under the title of Cost Engineer. Also, any person or corporation with a large amount of properties may feel it necessary to hire a QS.

Job opportunities that are related to quantity surveying include, but are not limited to; building surveyor, contracting civil engineer, facilities manager, urban general practice surveyor, and more.

An ideal person for a Quantity Surveying job would be someone interested in construction and engineering. They must have an interest in and be good at math calculations and spatial reasoning. Many quantity surveying jobs involve travel, so one should either like to travel or at least be flexible about their location.

Being a Quantity Surveyor is an excellent job opportunity. The pay and benefits are very competitive, with not much manual labor involved. Because of all the skills required, one must be educated and continue their quantity surveying training, but the perks of the job make it well worth it.

Quantity Surveyor Job Description Demi Lovato gets owned by an X Factor candidate Video Clips. Duration : 0.63 Mins.
Rating: 4.764323

This guy deserves a medal ! Check out the funny autotune remix !


Saturday, September 15, 2012

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

While scouting for the top 10 hot jobs, we combed through tons of data offline as well online. Making a small list for just 10 hot jobs has taken some important considerations like the following ones:

1. Longevity of relevance of the job

Engineer Job

2. Salary and growth potential

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

3. Universality of the field

While most job seekers looked for higher positions and salaries, others considered permanence of their job was their priority. It is noteworthy that the definition of job security has changed substantially in the last decade and it is all about continuing in the same job but under different employers. Ready? Here we go!

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

The top hot jobs were all of a high profile nature and most of them were in the field of computers.

1. CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK EXPERT: This hits the top for the second successive year. Candidates consider themselves lucky to pass this test even on their second attempt where the percentage success rate is just 15. This hits the top because of its ever-increasing popularity, salary potential and vast potential.

2. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER: The MCSE certification has stayed on top for many years now. The job involves working with operating systems and security issues. The popularity is also because it doesn't require additional certification to get through to your dream job. Job profile: Systems Engineer and Systems Analyst.

3. TEACHER: Why do you think this found its way to Top-3 slot? Close to 1.3 million teachers need to be recruited in the next 5-6 years. Teachers in the K-12 bracket: 724,000 and post secondary teachers: 603,000. We had to give this position its due. All states offer various educator preparation programs for aspirants through their respective boards of education.

4. REGISTERED NURSES: Registered nurses are going to be in top demand in the next 5-6 years due to the government's spending on healthcare programs. This had to happen sooner than later after the recent well-publicized nursing shortage. Certification: The boards of nursing in every state administers the certification exam, National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Minimum qualification to appear for this exam is graduation from approved nursing schools. Average salary, ,000

5. COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEER: CNN reports that 307,000 computer software engineers will be required in the next 3-4 years. This is one interesting job with lots of code writing or fixing for making the computers of the world work. Certification: University graduates with computer science as a major, with physics and math can jumpstart their careers. Some top certifications are MCSE, Sun Certified Java Programmer, MySQL and Red Hat Certified Engineer.

6. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tops the salary charts for both federal as well as private employers. Based on the risk profile and risk-benefit analysis, they advise their clients on personal and business financial matters. Salary ranges from ,500 to 5,600. Certification: College graduation along with a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification can enhance prospects.

7. CISCO CERTIFIED INTERNETWORK EXPERT (CCIE): If difficulty, prestige and recognitions are any thing to go by, here it is. CCIE is not among the most sought after certification but it is very difficult. This simply is the most feared exam of all. Certification: By CISCO

8. RED HAT CERTIFIED ENGINEER (RHCE): Increase of interest in open source code has shot up the popularity of this job. This is hailed as the MCSE of Linux certifications.

9. MEDICAL SCIENTIST: Broad category that involves medical research. This career is hot because of the large amount of research activity initiated by the government and private organizations on AIDS, cancer, Parkinson's Syndrome and many more. Certification: Doctorate: 0,000 and above.

10. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER: This job ranks high because of its high growth index in the next 2-3 years itself. Salary indicated ranges from ,950 to ,940. They work in laboratories in universities, governments, or research firms etc. Stringent environmental regulations are expected making the job a much preferred one. Certification: College graduation and degree in Environmental Engineering or Geology.

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Tube. Duration : 3.60 Mins.
Rating: 4.778412

Music video by Taylor Swift performing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. ©: 2012 Big Machine Records, LLC.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Search Engine Optimization Pricing - How to Price Your SEO Services

In this article we will look at search engine optimization pricing from the point of view of the consultant. So you are setting up as an SEO consultant and you want to know what to charge your clients? Congratulations! It is a great business to be in.

There are many ways that SEO experts charge for their services. Which method of search engine optimization pricing you choose will depend on many factors individual to you and your preferred way of working. These factors include:

Engineer Job

1. Whether you are new to the business or have already established a demand for your services. Clearly, if you have been around a while and are well known with a good reputation, it might be time to consider increasing your prices.

Search Engine Optimization Pricing - How to Price Your SEO Services

2. What type of project you are taking on. A large company with a big website in a competitive industry is going to require a lot more of your time than your neighborhood mom and pop store. They will also expect a wider range of services.

3. Where you are in the world. Clearly, this affects your cost of living and operating costs. Somebody living in the USA will need to have higher search engine optimization pricing than somebody living in Thailand.

4. Whether you are prepared to visit your clients' offices. If you are, you can charge more and you are likely to get more business (assuming you live in a place where there are plenty of potential clients). People are much happier about hiring somebody they have met, and you can still do most of the actual work from your own office or home. This factor means that you do not have to worry about competition from other parts of the world. Some clients will go for the cheapest option but there will be plenty who will be willing to pay more for somebody who is local to them.

5. Whether you plan to charge by the hour or per project. You may think of what you want to earn in hourly terms, but most clients will prefer to pay by task or by results. The two are not mutually exclusive, but this means that when you are figuring out your search engine optimization pricing, you may want to base it on tasks such as building a certain number of backlinks, writing a certain number of articles, etc, rather than a price per hour. So that means figuring out how long it will take you to do each of the tasks that you will offer to clients.

Something else that you might consider when you are first setting up as an SEO consultant is whether you want to work alone or with others. Your first answer might be that you plan on working alone. Many people go into SEO because they have been working in web design and development in their job, and they want to have their own independent business.

But there are many disadvantages to working alone. These include questions like what happens if you have more work than you can handle? What happens when you are sick? There are other options that will help you to spread the load, including going into business with a partner, outsourcing some tasks, or even applying to work as an outsourcer for other SEO consultants who are already established.

At the very least, consider how you can outsource some of the routine tasks in order to free up your valuable time for things the client will see as more important - such as visiting them from time to time. This will help you to work out the search engine optimization pricing for your services in a way that will be sustainable as your business grows.

Search Engine Optimization Pricing - How to Price Your SEO Services Austin Mahone - Say Somethin Video Clips. Duration : 3.23 Mins.
Rating: 4.81588

Buy now: Music video by Austin Mahone performing Say Somethin. ©: Chase Records. Under Exclusive License to Universal Republic Records, A Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Here's Why You Should Write An Ebook To Make Money Online

In this article I am going to assume that you either want to make money online or you are already making some income on the internet and you would like to increase it. If you want to build or expand your online business and keep your bank manager happy, you should look towards creating your own products and an eBook is something anyone can write and sell.

If you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd, you need to have products that teach people more about what you are experienced in. For example, if you are proficient at building blogs and getting them ranked in the search engines, you should strongly consider writing an eBook or creating a course which teaches people how to do this, assuming that there is demand for that type of product.

Engineer Job

Creating your own eBook is really easy and I am absolutely sure that anyone with a computer and a keyboard can do it. Many software programs these days also include a built-in function which will export your raw document and turn it into PDF format.

Here's Why You Should Write An Ebook To Make Money Online

As an online marketer it's your job to get content out there with your name on it. Obviously this is not limited to ebooks and can also include other materials such as special reports, articles and courses that walk people through a series of steps to develop a degree of proficiency in what is being taught by yourself.

You could write an eBook and give it away for free. There are situations where this is a perfectly valid and appropriate use of your time and resources. Providing you are offering high quality information that meets other people's needs, you can also sell your eBook online to make money and build up a customer base.

Some people out there have written off ebooks as a low-ticket item, but you can realistically charge anything between and for an eBook that serves up the right content to a starving crowd. In certain situations that price tag can even exceed this level.

You see, people are willing to pay for the right information and although there may be situations where you will want to create content with a higher perceived value, the truth is that ebooks are still a viable medium for product creation.

Whatever you do, be sure to over-deliver with all the content you create. If you sell an eBook for make sure it's a product that you could have easily sold for an even higher price. You want your customers to be pleased with their purchase and be in a situation where they would have willingly paid more to receive the information contained in your ebook. This is how you strengthen your relationship with customers and develop a following of people who will buy off you simply because they associate your name with over-delivery and quality.

Here's Why You Should Write An Ebook To Make Money Online [PV] Perfume 「FAKE IT」 Video Clips. Duration : 2.07 Mins.
Rating: 4.7747006

Perfume Global Compilation "LOVE THE WORLD" 2012.09.12 on sale


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nascar and the V8 Racing Road Rumble

When it comes to racing, few could argue that there are many more series that provide more entertainment than the American Nascar series which sees a host of V8 racing cars go against each other around a series of tracks around the United States of America.

For the last four years this V8 racing series has been dominated by one man Jimmie Johnson of the Henderson Motorpoint team. This team has managed to secure a record breaking four straight Nascar Sprint cup championships, leaving Johnson to stand alone in history as the only driver to have such a dominating effect on the series. He still has to win another three or four titles before he is considered the greatest driver of all time, but quite frankly no-one would bet against Johnson achieving this feat at the moment.

Engineer Job

The way these drivers power slide these v8 racing cars around the ovals is quite remarkable, on some of the tracks the cars are touching speeds of up to 200mph and racing just inches apart from each other. Ultimately when contact happens it is spectacular. This is why the cars have been strengthened to withstand the demands that they find on the track.

Nascar and the V8 Racing Road Rumble

Several drivers lives have been save by the strength and durability of these v8 racing cars. If you check the internet you will see several videos when these cars flip through the air at massive speeds and remain intact protecting the driver. Nascar's governing body has done a fantastic job with ensuring that an exemplary level of safety and protection is followed when creating these V8 racing beasts.

Another good thing about the series is that because of the stringent design regulations on the cars. No team is able to gain a massive advantage over the other teams. It is mainly down to the team that has the best engine and driver combination.

If you want to have a small taste of the V8 racing experience then why don't you book yourself on one of the gift experience days when you can get behind the wheel of a V8 supercar and experience the awesome power and brute force of one of mankind's greatest inventions.

If you know someone who is a bit of a petrol head and you think they would like to have a slightly different present for their birthday in 2010 then why not get online and search one of the great red letter day companies that offers these services.

Nascar and the V8 Racing Road Rumble Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Tube. Duration : 3.60 Mins.
Rating: 4.785886

Music video by Taylor Swift performing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. ©: 2012 Big Machine Records, LLC.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

How To Accurately Estimate Classic Car Values

It is easier to spot a classic car than to know how much it is worth. You may know that the Oldsmobile Cutlass hanging out in your garage is a real sweet vintage ride, but you might have a difficult time deciding how much to sell it. Or maybe you have spotted that Cutlass, but do not know whether the price is worth it.

Worry no more, as here is an easy guide on how to estimate classic car values.

Engineer Job

1. Research on Market Values from Dealers

How To Accurately Estimate Classic Car Values

Classic car values are almost always fluctuating, as all car values are. By researching the market value of a classic car sold by professional dealers, you can have a clear marker as to how much a vehicle in a certain condition is worth.

However, remember that this is a dealer's price, so expect that it is overpriced from 10%-20%. There are many other determinants of price that are oftentimes not covered by dealer-based values, such as your own preference and the demand for that car. Nonetheless, market values from dealers are still a good marker.

2. Check the Condition of the Car

The condition of the car is usually the biggest determinant of its value. Most classic car enthusiasts use a five-point rating system, as follows:

Excellent: A car in perfect and near-mint condition, usually drivable.

Very Good: A car with some very minor scratches or engine and mechanism faults, but is still almost perfect and drivable.

Good: A car with some very repairable damages, but still needs little effort to restore and is still drivable.

Fair: A car that needs a lot of restoration work, with signs of abuse such as dents, scratches, and rust. If a car is not drivable because of engine, brake, or other mechanical failures, but has a solid exterior look, it will fall in this category.

Parts car: A car that cannot be plausibly restored because of heavy damage. A parts car, as its name suggests, is usually bought only for its reusable parts.

A car in an excellent condition could be sold for twice or thrice its original price and collectors will still buy it. Cars in the good or fair condition are the usual ones that you will see in the market.

3. Customization is a Minus

A classic car with an A/C unit, a fuel-efficient engine, and soft seats may be convenient, but these modifications often bring down the value of a car. Customized paint jobs may look cool, but they still decrease the possible price. The reason for this is simple: original parts are harder to find, and maintaining them are more difficult too. Expect a car with almost all original parts (including the wheels) and paint color to have a really large price tag attached to it.

4. Rarity is a Plus

Classic Dodge Chargers may be valued highly, but Chargers with a Hemi engine is a gold mine. This is because Hemi engine-equipped Chargers were made in very limited numbers. If you have one in your old man's garage, you may want to reconsider that engine change.

5. Original Options are a Plus

Turbo and superchargers might increase a muscle car's values, given that they are original parts. Because the '61 Bullet T-bird is used as a pace car for Indianapolis 500, it has some original era modifications which increase its value.

Remember, when buying or selling classic cars, consider the condition, the originality, rarity, and the added options. Put this side by side with the market value from dealers, and adjust as needed.

How To Accurately Estimate Classic Car Values Raj Thackeray speech at Azad Maidan against August 11 violence Video Clips. Duration : 19.13 Mins.
Rating: 4.4498043

MNS chief Raj Thackeray today (21 August, 2012) called the rally from Girgaum Chowpatty to Azad Maidan, to protest the violence on August 11 and alleged failure of the state administration and Mumbai police to control it. He has demanded ouster of state's Home Minister RR Patil and Mumbai Police Commissioner Arup Patnaik. MNS chief Raj Thackeray today led his supporters' march against August 11 violence during a demonstration against alleged atrocities on Muslims in Assam and Myanmar. Read full news covrage here Loksatta covers latest news from Maharashtra & India, all exclusive current headlines from Maharashtra & India news live, including latest breaking news on politics, business, sports, world & entertainment. To Subscribe: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter:


Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Home Business Idea

How is money really made online? 3 months ago I was in a bad position, I didn't have enough money to do the basic things I enjoyed in life, after I had paid for things, there was no money left over, I had heard loads of people made a comfortable living from home, but I had never really understood it, every time I saw a home business get rich quick website, I just shut the page, and assumed it was another scam, along with the many that flood the internet today.

A friend of mine who I had known for years was making money online, so I spoke to him and asked him how he did it. He told me how I needed a website, as I had heard many times, I really didn't want to be told that again. I knew I needed a website, but how did I set one up? I didn't have hours to spend each day on it.

Engineer Job

It came to me that a lot of people made money with Google Adsense. This was basically placing ads on your websites, related to the content on your site, and getting paid between

I had heard about Nick Marks, who was one of top guys on Clickbank, under making money online. I checked his website out and read through his testimonials, as I had seen on many sites. I was very skeptical about this home business idea at first, so I searched around the internet to find reviews on it.

Many people had actually giving this particular money making plan a good write up, saying it did actually deliver, unlike most of the dishonest individuals out there. This was one home business idea I could use, to actually earn some money without having to work endless hours, it wasn't actually a scam. Of course, the website was saying you could make thousands of dollars a day, this was not true, but it was actually possible to make a lot of money, over a month.

I started to use the basic methods proposed in Forex Enterprise. I was surprised that I actually did make money doing this, with only beginners knowledge, this system set me up and got me started.

Before selecting a home business idea, I think it is crucial to consider how much spare time you have, to get it started. If you are hoping to quit your day job, I think you need to find a well established home business idea that has prooven to work for long term profits. I think that setting up a home business can be time consuming, but once it is set up, you can make money without actually spending more than a few hours a day, if that, online.

.10 - .00 each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads displayed. However, how did i even get in search engines? and get visitors, I was a newbie at this, I wanted proper help, from a professional.

A Home Business Idea
A Home Business Idea Katy Perry - The Making of Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" Tube. Duration : 20.75 Mins.
Rating: 4.8314962

Music video by Katy Perry performing The Making of Katy Perry's "Wide Awake". (P) (C) 2012 Capitol Records, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by Capitol Records, LLC, 1750 North Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90028.

Tags: Katy, Perry, The, Making, of, Perry's, Wide, Awake, Capitol, Records, Pop