All of you may be interested to get an idea about how search engine view your website. That ultimately may help you to design your website in a search engine friendly ways.The Search Engine view your page in following manners:
By Crawling your web site using spider like software. A text browser such as lynx can be a very useful tools for your ideas how your web page is most likely is being seen by search engine.
Engineer Job
By Indexing means identifying the words in your page that best describe the page and assign the page to particular keywords.
We have already discussed about how search engine watch or see a website and there lies the significance of keyword. The most vital factor keyword selection demands a huge research and clear ideas about the target base of a websites customer or visitor. So after a solid research of customer base which may include customers from different places, a group of keywords can be suggested. The keyword suggested can be of mixed kind like highly competitive and medium competitive. Sometime we may include one-word strings in keywords list but again decision depends on a good research work. So for optimization, the first thing we need to consider that the keywords that describe the content of a website is the best in its group and that are most likely to be searched by visitors to track or find that particular website. Though no tool would guarantee the best result still the following two tools are very useful to everybody now a days. The first one is the Google keyword tool. The Keyword Tool provided by Google to get new keyword ideas and moreover if you are not completely satisfied you can try the Search-Based Keyword Tool, a new tool that will generate ideas that are matched to your website in the link.
Keeping in the mind the importance of content the keyword selection for SEO for a particular site is the first primary factor on which you can spend some reasonable time to concentrate and for future returns.
When we think about keywords we must think about the main focus of the site. We always prefer keywords that are likely to be used to describe the site so there are relevancy of information. To achieve this goal thinking on themes on that site is would be much more helpful and this job mostly helped by SEO consultant or SEO company representative.In this aspect the site grows up around a particular theme or concept which in a long run help to achieve best organic SEO. In previous article we have discussed to use the keyword tool. When we are considering the keywords optimization,we must consider not only their relevancy to the site but also the expected monthly number of searches for these particular keywords. It is somewhat proven that often narrow searches are more valuable because the users that visit the site are those that are genuinely interested in the theme product or service of that website. If we sell service like article writing example, we can concentrate promotional articles, business articles like key phrases at the various section on the site. So, when we look at the numbers of search hits per month, we can consider the unique hits that fit into the theme of the relevant site for which we are doing search engine marketing. The very next step we must concentrate is the keyword density for the previously chosen theme related keywords. Keyword density is a common measure of how relevant a page is. The higher the keyword density, the more relevant to the search string a page is. The recommended density is 3-7% for the major 2 or 3 keywords and 1-2% for minor keywords but we can decide that parameter as per our need and experience in seo.
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Thanks a lot.
Why Keywords Are the Most Vital and Important Factor in SEO and How to Choose Keywords For SEO? Lady Antebellum - Wanted You More Tube. Duration : 4.08 Mins.Rating: 4.951098
Music video by Lady Antebellum performing Wanted You More. (P) (C) 2012 Capitol Records Nashville. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by Capitol Records Nashville, 3322 West End Avenue, 11th Floor, Nashville, TN 37203
Keywords: Lady, Antebellum, Wanted, You, More, Capitol, Nashville, Country
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